Conferences workshop papers and book chapters. From 2000 to 2010
Conferences workshop papers and book chapters. From 2000 to 2010

Conferences workshop papers and book chapters. From 2000 to 2010
Garcia Castro A, Sansone AS, Rocca-Serra P, Taylor C, Ragan MA: The use of conceptual maps for two ontology developments: nutrigenomics, and a management system for genealogies. In: 8th Intl Protégé Conference Protégé:2005; Madrid, Spain; 2005: 59-62.
Garcia Castro A, Thoraval S, Garcia Castro Leyla-Jael., Ragan MA: G-PIPE, an implementation. In: NETTAB: 2005; Naples, Italy; 2005.
Garcia Castro A, Sansone AS, Taylor CF, Rocca-Serra P: A conceptual framework for describing biological investigations. In: NETTAB: 2005; Naples, Italy; 2005.
Garcia Castro A: Cognitive support for an argumentative structure during the
ontology development process. In: 9th Intl Protégé Conference: July, 2006 2006;
Stanford, CA, USA; 2006.
OntoDas - integrating DAS with ontology-based queries. Kieran O'Neill, Rafael Jimenez, Dan Jacobson, Alexander Garcia-Castro. Bio-Ontologies SIG Workshop 2007, Vienna, Austria, 20th July 2007. URL
K M O’Neill, A Garcia-Castro, D Jacobson (2007) Knowledge Driven User Interfaces for - Complex Biological Queries Proceedings of the First Southern African Bioinformatics Workshop Edited by:, S Hazelhurst, M Ramsay. Johannesburg, South Africa. URL
Capturing and modeling neuro-radiological knowledge on a community basis, the head injury scenario, Alexander Garcia, Zhuo Zhang, Menaka Rajapakse, Christopher J. O. Baker, Suisheng Tang, Health and Life Sciences workshop at the WWW2008 international conference
Alexander Garcia Castro, Immanuel Normann, Joana Hois, Oliver Kutz “Ontologizing metadata for assistive technologies: The OASIS repository”. OntoTrack workshop, Liverpool, September 2008.
Juan F. Sequeda, Alexander Garcia-Castro, Oscar Corcho, Syed Hamid Tirmizi, Daniel P. Miranker. “Overcoming database heterogeneity to facilitate social networks: the Colombian displaced population as a case study”. WWW09, April 2009, Madrid, Spain.
OLS2OWL, a repository management facility. Alexander Garcia, Leyla-Jael Garcia, Jose Villaveces, Guillermo Calderon, Martin Hepp. Oral presentation at the 11th Protégé International Conference, June 2009, Amsterdam.
Leyla Jael García-Castro, Martin Hepp, Alexander García: Tags4Tags: Using Tagging to Consolidate Tags, in: DEXA 2009. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, August 31 - September 4, 2009, Linz, Austria, Springer LNCS.
Alexander Garcia, Leyla-Jael Garcia, Alberto Labarga, Olga X Giraldo, Cesar Montana, Kieran O'Neill, John Bateman. Annotating Atomic Components of Papers in Digital Libraries: Semantic Web and Social Web heading towards a Living Document supporting the Life e-Sciences. : DEXA 2009. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, August 31 - September 4, 2009, Linz, Austria, Springer LNCS
Alexander Garcia, Frank Gibson,Kieran O'Neill, Leyla-Jael Garcia,Oscar Corcho, Phillip Lord, Robert Stevens.Semantic e-Science, “The melting point, communities of practice developing ontologies”. In Annals of Information System, Springer Verlag 2009. Eds. Huajun Chen, Yimin Wang and Kei Cheung
L. J. García-Castro, M. Hepp, A. García. HyperTag: Where tags meet semantics – A Tagging Environment to Collaboratively building Ontologies. EKAW 2010, Portugal.
L.J. Garcia, Olga X. Giraldo, Alexander Garcia. Using the Annotation Ontology in digital libraries. Demo paper ISWC 2010, Shanghai, China.
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