Supervised students
Supervised students

Supervised students
Department of Agricultural Sciences –Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Master degree, to be awarded June 2010
Thesis title: “Knowledge Engineering over laboratory notebooks: A Semantic based approach for ELNs”
Thesis author: Olga Ximena Giraldo
Department of Computer Science –Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia
Engineering degree, awarded on Feb. 2008
Thesis title: “Providing a direct manipulation interface to OWL constructs in Protégé”
Thesis Author: Andres Betancourt, Angela Norena
Department of Computer Science – University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Master degree, awarded on October 2007
Thesis title:” Relieving the Cognitive Load of Constructing Molecular Biological Ontology Based Queries by means of Visual Aids”
Thesis Author: Kieran O'Neill
Thesis accepted on October 2007
Department of Computer Science –UKZN, South Africa
Master degree, awarded on October 2007
Thesis title: “Vector Graphics to improve BLAST graphic representations”
Thesis author: Rafael Jimenez
Thesis accepted on October 2007
Department of Biochemistry –University of Montpellier 2
Master degree, Diplome d'Etudes Supérieurs Spécialisées, awarded on November 2003
Thesis title: “GPipe, un générateur de workflow pour Pise”
Thesis author: Samuel Thoraval
Thesis accepted on November 2003
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